General Provisions

General Provisions

These general terms and conditions govern the content of contracts made by the Provider offering accommodation services with the Client, concluded via email, fax, or regular mail, and are unconditionally accepted by the Client. The possibility of concluding specific agreements remains, provided that these general terms and conditions are upheld.


Availability is listed on the hotel’s website and can be communicated by telephone, but without commitment from the Hotel. These details are not binding for the Hotel until a written request has been received and a confirmation letter has been sent by the Hotel. A reservation is considered optional until the deposit or full payment has been received.


For reservations with a cancellation option, a confirmatory deposit of 30% of the total amount must be paid at the time of booking; for non-refundable reservations, 100% of the total amount must be paid. If payment is not made immediately through the website or within 24 hours of sending the confirmation, the Hotel reserves the right to cancel the reservation without notice. Reservations will be considered definitively confirmed only after receiving the payment for each booked service (30% with credit card details as a guarantee, or 100%). Any delay in payment on the due dates mentioned above will automatically result in the cancellation of the booking and the immediate termination of this contract due to the Client’s fault, with retention of the amounts already paid.

Changes and Cancellations

Changes to the reservation and cancellations, whether total or partial, must be communicated to the Hotel as soon as possible and must be confirmed in writing. The Hotel will make changes depending on availability at the time. If the request cannot be fulfilled, the Client will be informed of this impossibility.

Penalties – Refund of Deposit – Payments

For room reservations without a cancellation option, the payment made at the time of booking is non-refundable. The confirmatory deposit paid for reservations with a cancellation option is refundable if the Client cancels up to 10 days before the arrival date. If the Client cancels between the seventh day and the arrival date, Hotel Chamois d’Or will retain the deposit paid at the time of booking. In case of no-show, 100% of the service will be charged to the credit card provided as a guarantee. Any extras must be settled on-site before departure.

Payment Methods

Bank transfer to:

Account holder: SARL Chamois d’Or

IBAN: FR76 1910 6006 2544 7061 7325 877

Payment through LINK to be requested at the Hotel reception.

For reservations with a cancellation option, it is mandatory to provide credit card details as a guarantee for the booked service.

Room Availability and End of Stay

– Arrival (Check-in): Accommodations will be available from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, unless otherwise agreed.

– Departure (Check-out): Accommodations must be vacated by 10:00 AM, unless otherwise agreed.


Despite the care and commitment of the Hotel Chamois d’Or staff, it is possible that the Client may feel the need to file a complaint regarding the Hotel’s services. Complaints should be communicated on-site, directly to the Hotel Management. The complaint will be handled with the utmost attention. If the Client is not satisfied with how the complaint is handled and the proposed solution is not deemed satisfactory, the Client has 5 days from the date of departure from the hotel to file an official complaint.

The payment of the deposit or the service indicates the Client’s unconditional acceptance of these contract terms.